

The Frame is mounted on a stand and is displaying a variety of artworks. The Frame is located next to pictures framed on the wall, which makes The Frame also look like a picture frame. The Frame is mounted on a stand and is displaying a variety of artworks. The Frame is located next to pictures framed on the wall, which makes The Frame also look like a picture frame.
The Frame is mounted on a stand and is displaying a variety of artworks. The Frame is located next to pictures framed on the wall, which makes The Frame also look like a picture frame.







2 versions of the same artwork are shown - one in conventional display that has light reflections, and the other in Matte Display. The Glare Free logo is shown that says Reflection Glare UGR<10, Discomfort Glare UGR<22, Disability Glare UGR<34. 2 versions of the same artwork are shown - one in conventional display that has light reflections, and the other in Matte Display. The Glare Free logo is shown that says Reflection Glare UGR<10, Discomfort Glare UGR<22, Disability Glare UGR<34.
2 versions of the same artwork are shown - one in conventional display that has light reflections, and the other in Matte Display. The Glare Free logo is shown that says Reflection Glare UGR<10, Discomfort Glare UGR<22, Disability Glare UGR<34.




个性化边框 匹配您的空间

Bezels of various colors are being snapped into The Frame to show that they are interchangeable. Bezels of various colors are being snapped into The Frame to show that they are interchangeable.
Bezels of various colors are being snapped into The Frame to show that they are interchangeable.




Modern-styled bezels in white, brown, beige and dark brown are on display. Beveled frames are also on display in white and brick red.



The Frame is mounted on a wall via Slim Fit Wall Mount which is included in purchase of The Frame. The Frame on an Auto Rotating Stand rotates from portrait to landscape mode*. The Frame is mounted on a wall via Slim Fit Wall Mount which is included in purchase of The Frame. The Frame on an Auto Rotating Stand rotates from portrait to landscape mode*.
The Frame is mounted on a wall via Slim Fit Wall Mount which is included in purchase of The Frame. The Frame on an Auto Rotating Stand rotates from portrait to landscape mode*.
  • *需单独购买。
  • *图像为模拟图像,仅为说明之目的。实际的外观和界面可能有所不同。
The Frame is hanging on a wall via an Auto Rotating Wall Mount rotating from landscape mode to portrait mode*. And The Frame is mounted on a Studio Stand*. The Frame is hanging on a wall via an Auto Rotating Wall Mount rotating from landscape mode to portrait mode*. And The Frame is mounted on a Studio Stand*.
The Frame is hanging on a wall via an Auto Rotating Wall Mount rotating from landscape mode to portrait mode*. And The Frame is mounted on a Studio Stand*.












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  - 音响、电视配件(电视配件及投影仪配件)、显示器,配送费:用户实付金额的 5%;

  - 电视类产品、冰箱、洗衣机、烘干机、衣物护理机、空调等生活家电类产品,配送费:用户实付金额的 5%;



4.非因性能故障原因(7天无理由退货、拒签、无法配送等)造成退货/退款的,音响、电视配件、显示器、电视类产品,三星将从用户实付金额中直接扣除退货运费(用户实付金额的5%)后将余款原路退给用户;冰箱、洗衣机、烘干机、衣物护理机、空调等生活家电类产品,三星将从用户实付金额中直接扣除退货运费(用户实付金额的5%)后将余款原路退给用户 。退货时需原包装完好,配件齐全,产品无故障,电视未安装,冰箱未拆过门,洗衣机未过水使用,空调未安装且商品内配件包装不能拆封,外观完好,不影响商家二次销售。